-January Blue Card Praise Reports-2

*Blue cards are handed out during every VCC service. On them you can write your prayer requests and a team will pray for you. You can also use these blue cards to give us your praise report.


Even though I haven’t had a job since I moved to California nine months ago.  Since the beginning of this year God has given me over $300.00 unexpectedly through several people at VCC.  I had been praying about God opening a way for me to go to the Marketplace Conference; so I was able to use some of this money to register for the conference. 

Praise the Lord!



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The Lord gave me two unique opportunities for friendship evangelism over the last week and a half.

One happened, when I was waiting in line at the Warehouse on Wednesday with a new person who knew nothing about VCC and was injured.  I told her all about VCC and encouraged her to come.

The other occurred on Saturday morning, at the end of the nightshift prayer in the HOPE Room.  A homeless lady came in and David and I got to talk to her about the power of the cross, buy her breakfast and eat with her.  She is not saved yet, but His loving kindness touched her.



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God is bringing a restoration between my son and me.  Yesterday, I got to have all four of my kids under the same roof for the first time in 10 ½ years!!! Thank you, Jesus.



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God has me in a good place emotionally and spiritually.  I feel like I am on the brink of something significant and good.




A couple of weeks ago my left arm around the shoulder hurt when I put my arm back.  I went to the Healing Rooms for prayer and God healed me!  I then went over to the Monday Night Renewal Meeting and shared there what God had done.  B. , at the Healing Room, told me later that someone who had heard my testimony went over to the Healing Rooms.  A shoulder problem this person had got healed as well!   Praise God!




Because my Dad found blood in his urine and was in extreme pain, I put him on the Crisis Prayer Chain.  It was a life threatening situation.  Prayer works, because His doctor said to come back in six months!



-No Date

I have no problems.  Praise God!  I am standing in faith for a lot more of God’s goodness.

Thank you for your prayers years ago.

God bless you all.




Because of a melanoma reoccurrence to the right arm, I saw the oncologist.  He felt it was isolated to the original site.  Tests were done (Lab, CAT scan + PET scan).  The results were fantastic.  All clear!  Praise the Lord.

My brother was mentally ill.  With no medication, God is restoring and redirecting him back to the mission field.  Praise God.

My daughter-in-law was told that her job was to end last Friday due to cutbacks.  On Friday, she was informed that she would be kept.  Praise the Lord.


About vcc

Laguna Niguel, California
This entry was posted in -Blue Card Ministry, -Encouragement, -Family, -Financial, -Melanoma, -Shoulder, Healing/Physical, Healing/Spiritual/Mental, Praise Reports, Testimonies. Bookmark the permalink.